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As promised when we posted The Boy’s beautiful Salmon Rillette recipe, here is the round-up to the reason why we created that dish. The joint Ms Iron Chef Shellie and Food Trail couple’s Retro Birthday Party! WuhOooOooOOo!

It was so amazing to see what everyone came up with. Weeks leading to the party, we were all working off a Google Spreadsheet (yes, we did) of what we’d each be bringing (so that we didn’t end up with two turduckens. Sadly, we ended up with no turduckens).

We scoured cookbooks from years gone by, we visited op-shops for old discarded cookbooks, we researched and we tested recipes.

Then suddenly, someone suggested that we should dress up as well! From that point on, the Retro Party took on a life of its own! It was big, hilarious but so so fun!

Thanks again Shellie for hosting us and celebrating your day with us. To the rest of the crazy gang, let’s do it again!


When a theme is suggested to a group of bloggers, the votes are usually agreed to or vetoed pretty quickly. But once we are all in agreement, we pretty much jump straight into the bandwagon and don’t look back. Which is why I love having a food party with like-minded individuals. I made a mention of this party to my work colleagues and the look of horror on their faces made me appreciate my food loving friends even more!


The Hostess with the Mostest, Shellie not only allowed glossy-wide eyed 70s brunettes, pimps, a random hobo & Fred Flintstone walk into her house. She graciously prepared not 1 but 4 items on the Retro Party hit list (this doesn’t count the bowls of cheezels as well!).

She made these cute looking super mario radishes to go along with her French Onion Dip platter, Meat Platter, Savoury Egg boats and a fruit punch.


Azzie made Coronation Chicken and a Prawn Cocktail, Adrian made Glazed Ham Balls (so delicious) and Wince made marinated coleslaw.


Michelle turned all Heston on us and brought a giant apple which turned out to be an Apple Cheese Ball 0_0 HOW COOL IS THAT? She also made this cute watermelon jelly in lime things (last picture below), which we all fell in love with.

We brought our little fishes to play πŸ™‚


Wince also made these delectable American BBQ Ribs with Home Made Chipotle sauce (he didn’t quite get the Retro theme… oh, to be young!).

Kat brought Chicken Liver PatΓ© and Spotted Dick (not pictured).

The amazing Food Trail couple (pre baby days) brought along a Ratatouille, Scalloped Potatoes and a Surprise Meat Loaf, which caught everyone off guard *wink*.


There are desserts and there ARE desserts. The team didn’t disappoint. Adrian brought along this amazing looking GaΓΌdi Cathedral inspired Jelly, Taz made a Pineapple Meringue Tart and a classic Mango Pudding while Daisy brought an Upside Down Pineapple Cake!

What about drinks? Ahhh.. don’t you worry. Sarah turned bartender for the night and spun out Grasshopper after Grasshopper with her prized bottle of Green creme de menthe.


From retro photo booth set up and vintage looking posters on the wall, the hostess had it all! We also insisted we play a few rounds of twister. I remember falling and laughing with each other a lot more than the actual game. 

Luckily for us, the food we replicated only ‘tried’ to emulate the Retro theme in looks and not in taste! Everything tasted so amazing πŸ™‚ A fun night and a great party!