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Hey you! Yes, you! The one currently reading this post and wondering what crazy adventures The Boy and Ms I-Hua are up to for this month’s Playground Series!

To coincide with this year’s Blog Anniversary (one month and a bit late, cause that’s how we roll these days), we thought we would bring you a Playground dish that is full of fun, playfulย and perfect for any celebration. In fact, the dish even looks as if fireworks have gone off ๐Ÿ˜›

What do you say? We’ve been doing this for 7 years now (Hooray!) and though we may have slowed down on the front, we are still as passionate as ever (with batteries recharged) and ready to tackle bigger and more exciting stories to share with you this year (or what’s left of it).

So here’s a celebration in close colour to the 7th anniversary token ofย Copper to represent prosperity, luck and good fortune not unlike the colour yellow in Chinese culture, we bring to you our ode to POPCORN!


This is one popcorn dish that you can’t bring into the cinema with you.

But it sure is spectacular looking when served up, especially with the bright cheery colour leaping out to your gaze. Using a mix of store bought and home made ingredients, you can plate this dish up however you like.


Elements on the Slate:

Sweet Corn Panna Cotta

Crushed Cashew Caramel Popcorn (store bought *gasp* from Happy Lab)

Maple Corn Kernels


Saffron Salt


This Playground dish has the right balance of sweet and salty for a dessert, as well as many textured elements. Crunchy from the crushed popcorn, soft and smooth from the panna cotta as well as the texture from the fresh kernels.

The only thing missing in this dish which I would have loved to include is pop rocks. Pop rocks make every dish a party central in your mouth!

So what do you think my pretties? Are you with us in this celebration?