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Honey Ginger Chicken Recipe

The past couple of days of melancholy have been cured… what an evil thing hormonal imbalance is… GAH! So anyways, due to some trigger of happy memories, I decided to try and replicate a Honey Ginger Chicken dish that I always use to have in Kay Elle (Kuala...

Request Line

Could I please make a request? Could I ask someone to please direct me back on the right path? I seemed to have lost my way somewhere along the way. “Sorry Sir, can you, could you point me in the right direction?” “Mam, how do you do, I got a tad...

Still Waiting

What do you think about when you’re lying in bed at night?Watching the shadows playing across the walls… what thoughts are running through your mind?Lately, I’ve just been laying there with my eyes wide open, listening to the easy rise and fall of...