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What is TwestiVal? It really is quite a simple idea. Twitter Festival.

It uses social media (duh!) for social good by getting people who usually speak online, to go offline on a single day and meet face-to-face (*gasp* Oh the horror!) for a great cause and a fun night. Read more about it here.

STREATย is a social enterprise assisting homeless youth with support to obtain a brighter and better future in the hospitality industry. STREAT has two carts where these youths get to try their hand with their hospitality training. One is a food cart (Fed Square) and the other a coffee cart, located in Melbourne Central.

So when it was announced that this year’s event would be held with an auction in mind (all proceeds generously donated to STREAT), I couldn’t help but partake in this goodwill event.

And it looked like I wasn’t the only one… there was a good turnout (amazing, what social media can do)… and the night was abuzz with people networking, meeting up with colleagues, acquaintances, entrepreneurs, volunteers, etc.

Digressing slightly, this wouldn’t be a part food blog if I didn’t have some pictures related to food, now would it?

Pan Asian, Chillipadi, Abbotsford Coventry Bakery, and Luxbite were amongst the wonderful sponsors who donated their food for the night!

The macarons were a hit, and every time the tray was refreshed, the macarons pretty much flew out of their trays!

There were also quite a lot of items being auctioned off. The showpiece of the night was probably the gorgeous macaron tower (which was eventually won by Jetsetting Joyce!)…

There were also non-food related items to be bidded on as well…

There was also this amazing piece of artwork entitled PORK, by Melbourne Artist, Jeff Martin, which was sold for nearly $3000 to Red Hill Brewery!!

It was an amazingly fun night, filled with alcohol (donated by Red Hill Brewery, Dal Zotto Wines and Prentice Wines) to keep the crowd happy… All in all, nearly $7000 was raised in this one big night ๐Ÿ™‚

So thanks to TwestiVal for bringing into light a worthy event and for sharing it with this year’s very deserving charity, STREAT Melbourne.

For a more detailed summary of the event as well as the full list of sponsors and donors, please visit the TwestiVal website

Please watch the video below to see a quick snapshot of the event from 1000 LUX Videos.

Twestival Melbourne – STREAT (Same Day Edit) from 1000 LUX on Vimeo