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I’ve lived in Melbourne for nearly 10 years now, and I’mΒ thankfulΒ for every day of it.

I love the life here, and I try my very best to assimilate and learn of the cultures here. Heck, I even support a footy (AFL) team!

*Hint – it has nothing to do with birds of any kind and I love puppies

I love passing on my knowledge and experiences from my own cultures to my new found Australian friends and work colleagues. They in turn find it quite amazing and interesting on the many superstitions, traditions and cultures I hold dear to my heart.

That being said, as time passes by, I find myself saying that ‘home‘ is Melbourne and ‘us‘ is Australians more and more each day.

It’s hard living in two worlds, and I am proud of where I have come from and what I have done to be where I am today.

I thus, am very proud of any Malaysian or Australian that make it big, draw successes and live their dreams.

Especially if they have left their home country, their comfort zone, their friends and family, to achieve those dreams.

In 2010, the Australian Government committed AUD$20 million to build up the Brand Australia Program in four years.

The general purpose for this contribution and commitment is to enhance public global awareness to the success stories of Australians around the world.

Through theΒ brand β€˜Australia Unlimited’, the aim is to raise awareness of contemporary Australian credentials in business, science, education, technology, creativity and not-for-profit activity, which is where this great iPad magazine app comes in.

[Image courtesy of Australian Unlimited]

In a format that is engaging, fun and interactive, this Australia Unlimited iPad Application will showcase Australia’s creativity, innovation and intellect.

What’s more? This app is FREE!!! Click here [Australia Unlimited] to download it to your iTunes.

If you are wondering what the significance is with Australian Unlimited and this blog, it’s pretty simple.

This blog as you know deals mostly with food, travel and entertainment. So technically, this app features all three of these topics in this month’s issue, with a feature on Bill GrangerΒ (Food), Australians overseas (Travel) and Entertainment (this is an online magazine!).

So go on, what are you waiting for? Download this app today!

[This post is sponsored by Brand Australia and Ogilvy PR]

Follow updates via:


Twitter: @AusUnlimited


The brains behind this fabulous initiative have decided to offer Two of my fantastic readers a Signed Hardcover Cookbook by Bill Granger each.

Win 1 of 2 latest cookbook by thisΒ renownΒ chef, “Bill’s Basics” by joining this competition.

[Image courtesy of Australian Unlimited]

All you have to do is:

  1. β€˜Like’ my Facebook page (if you haven’t done so already), if you have (you are amazing!), skip this step
  2. Leave a comment here telling me who is your favourite overseas Australian success story

*Please leave a valid email address (emails won’t be published). Competition is open to Australian Residents only. Delivery to Australian addresses only.

The competition closes Monday, 12th March 2012 at 6:00pm. The winners will be drawn randomly on Monday Night, the 12th of March 2012! Results will be published on this post.

*iPad and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc.


12/03/2012, Announcement: Winners of the Bill Granger Signed Cookbooks for Australian Unlimited Competition!

Thank you to everyone who signed up, liked my Facebook page, downloaded the wonderful online magazine which is the Australian Unlimited iPad App and nominated your favourite Aussie making waves overseas!

With no further ado, the two competition winners selected by the Random Number Generator are…


Congratulations to Kathy Mason and AprilΒ !!!

I will be in contact shortly for more details πŸ™‚

