I’m the type of person that if given the choice of skinny (skim) milk to full fat milk, I would always choose full fat.
If you gave me an option of full cream anything versus the skim/skinny option, I’ll always go the full.
Why? Why am I, someone who occasionally makes brief mention of my paleo diet (where dairy is not even on the list) do something like that?
Because, you only get to live once. If I’m going to commit carbocide or lactoside, I might as well go all the way, and not do it by halves 🙂
I can’t stand how people order full big meals, and then have a skinny latte or a diet coke (unless they like the taste) as the healthy option.
Seriously, what is the point?
So when the Boy and I last went to the shops for some grocery shopping and he came out of the dairy aisle with 3 different cartons of milk, 2 of them soy milk, I began to question his sanity.
Why on earth did he want soy milk for? Why was he buying “Western” soy milk and not “Asian” soya bean milk? What was he doing? Was he going to start drinking that with coffee? Where are we going to keep that? Our fridge isn’t big enough, or was it?
So many questions, that were unanswered.
That is until dinner was served.
He had made egg tofu. Fresh egg tofu from the aforementioned purchased soy milk. Do you even understand what went through my mind when he said, “Dinner is ready!”?
I never knew that one could attempt tofu making at home, and it had never occurred to me to use normal soy milk. I always envisioned little old ladies or men grinding away on soy beans to generate the milk. That vision is now completely dashed.
On the upside. I can have delicious egg tofu whenever I want now 🙂
Homemade Egg Tofu with Minced Pork Recipe
Ingredients for Egg Tofu:
4 large Eggs
500ml of Soy Bean Milk/Soy Milk (unsweetened, preferably fresh)
1/2 teaspoon of Onion Salt (or normal Salt)
Flour (used to dust egg tofu before frying)
Other Ingredients:
200g of Minced Pork
1 teaspoon of Shao Xing Wine
1/2 Tablespoon of Oyster Sauce
1/2 Tablespoon of Premium Soy Sauce (or Light Soy Sauce if unavailable)
1/3 cup (about 80ml) of Chicken Stock (or water)
1 clove of Garlic (minced)
3-4 Button Mushrooms (quartered) – *optional
1 teaspoon of Cornflour mixed with 2 Tablespoons of Water to create thickening
Ground White Pepper
Spring Onion/Coriander to garnish
Whisk eggs and add salt. Add in the Soy Bean Milk and mix well to combine.
Strain mixture (to remove any chalazae/egg white strands) into a steaming container (we used a square Pyrex baking dish) and steam on high heat for 10-15 minutes or until egg tofu is cooked.
Basically, you’re after a silken tofu-like consistency.
Set the container aside to cool.
Once cooled, cut egg tofu into slices. We went with rectangular shapes. Becareful, as they easily break.
For this recipe, we’ve only used half of the egg tofu in the container. You can keep the remainder in the refrigerator.
Dust the egg tofu slices with flour. Once again, becareful when handling them as they easily break.
Deep fry the egg tofu in batches until golden brown. Remove and drain the tofu.
Heat some oil in a wok and add garlic. Fry till fragrant. Add minced pork and break them up with a spatula.
Add Shao Xing Wine, Premium Soy Sauce and Oyster Sauce. Stir well to combine.
Add Chicken Stock and Mushrooms. Keep on medium heat and cook for 3-5 minutes.
Add the thickening (cornflour + water) and stir to combine with sauce. You should notice the sauce starting to thicken.
Turn the heat off and sprinkle some ground white pepper.
Pour sauce over the fried egg tofu and garnish with sliced spring onions or coriander.
Best served with rice.
So tell me my friends, what have you recently discovered you could make at home without buying the finished product at the shops?
Oh wow, you do have a clever boy on your hands, looks delicious! Lol, I guess we are juicing a lot more lately? My mum went through a phase where we used to make our own soy milk, that was good but very time consuming to clean the machine afterwards…
Oh my… Yes, he is a keeper 🙂
looks divine! So have to try that.
You must you must! How are you and where are you?!
I’m with you, full fat dairy all the way! There is soooo little difference in percentage of fat content anyway (particularly with milk) that it’s just not worth the taste compromise. The number of times I’ve watched girls in the morning ordering their skinny latte with a danish … uggg, don’t get me started!
No point going halves 🙂
Wahhh, tofu post is allowed by the spam filters!! 🙂
Who knew making egg tofu at home could be so easy! I guess it’s like chawanmushi.
TOFU post FTW!
I never thought of making tofu at home before!! Can’t wait to try your recipe! hehe I completely agree with your full fat thing! Nothing tastes as good as full fat dairy products. But sadly for me, my tummy goes hay-wire with milk. So soy milk’s my only option boo:(
ps. the dr blamed my asian genes!
If soy milk is your only option, then so it is! It’s not a fad or anything, I’m okay… but now you can make tofu!
The point is to make the cafe/restaurant workers laugh. And oh, how I laughed at the girls who ordered skinny milkshakes with extra ice cream at the cafe I worked at… However, I’m guilty with coke zero. For some reason, full sugar coke gives me headaches?
All that aside… OMG TOFU! I would never have thought you could make this with store bought soy milk; I had the same mental picture of little old ladies and beans 🙂 This looks so good! Bravo A.
P.S. As for your question – nut butters 🙂
Ooh nut butters.. I still have yet to make them…
And… you get sugar headaches? Say it isn’t so!
Only with coke, usually. Must be the caffeine fizzy sugar bomb combination 😛
Ahhh the classic fizzy sugar bomb… well played Coke… well played!
now, i wish my future spouse can look like that too.
Hahaha.. you just have to open up your kitchen!
Oh, seriously, yum. I must remember this one for the future. Well played, the Boy, well played.
Yes! But he caused me consternation! Egad!
Thanks for the recipe! Gonna try it soon! woohoo!
Yayy!! No soymilk in socks please!
um awesome?! Go the boy 😉 recently dad’s been all about making cheese himself! I really should try that too. & yoghurt. & bread (need to make my own bread more often).
Heidi xo
So many things we can try making at home. Plus you know it’ll be better with no preservatives etc. But some takes more time and effort than others 🙂
*cough* Ummmm Hazzie… what paleo diet?? :p
I know!!! WAAAAAAA Waaaaaa GUITAR!
This looks amazing! Im interested to try the egg tofu 😀
I’ve never heard of egg tofu before, amazing! I love everything about this dish, looks so gooood.
It’s sooo good and extra creamy!
It’s never occurred to me you can make your own tofu. I know what I’m doing at the weekend! Have you tried making your own butter? So easy and never fails to delight me when all of a sudden after a bit of shaking there’s butter sitting in a jar that was previously cream! 🙂
‘t you worry, I’ll be sharing a varient of this soon with S 🙂
Yay! Thank you! Well let you know how our tofu turns out 🙂
I’ll do my best! Running out of time! EEP!
I’ve never heard of egg tofu. Can you explain a little more about the steaming process? I could set the baking dish inside a pan of water and put it in the oven, like custard, but it sounded like you might be doing something different than that.
You could, I’m not too sure. It would be better setting it over the stove, as you’ll have more control over it.
OK. I do have a little Pyrex baking dish that can go on top of the steamer insert in a pot. All my recipes that call for steaming something that’s in a dish use the oven, so I never thought of doing it on the stove.
Good Luck! You can only try 🙂