Wishing All My Dear Readers A Merry Christmas and Season Greetings
As the yuletide season sets upon us, reflection and memories comes foremost to mind. Enjoy Christmas and New Years in 2011 and thank you all for a fantastic year!
As the yuletide season sets upon us, reflection and memories comes foremost to mind. Enjoy Christmas and New Years in 2011 and thank you all for a fantastic year!
Ever fancy a coffee robot to make you a cup of hot coffee with just the right specifications, crema, length, and intensity that you want? And I’m not talking about the barista in a costume. I am talking about an actual coffee machine. Read on to find out more about the Philips Saeco Exprelia coffee machine! The coffee robot which you’ve been waiting for!
Love it or hate, Durians have been around since the pre-historic ages and isn’t going anywhere else anytime soon.
Discover the beauty and architectural genius of the South-East Asia region, in the ancient city of Cambodia lies a restored city temple of Angkor Wat. With its ethereal beauty, this amazing temple will have you dreaming of days long past.
A letter to my dear readers…