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Thin Disguise

In a totally random conversation with the Boy… I was speaking absolute gibberish in a very posh English accent and we discovered… it’s true! Nothing you can say, cursing, gibberish, nonsense, jargon, sounds that bad when you actually put on a False...

Can’t Cry These Tears

So what happens now? Th sun is shining brightly, it’s beautiful rays streaming down through the clouds up above.Somehow, these past few weeks, my mood and my writings have closely been tied to the weather. No wonder it’s been a weird time for me, based on...

The Norwegian Ridgeback and a change of seasons

The truth hurts… and when you don’t want to face the truth and rather live in denial that’s all it does.. it hurts… from the inside.. like your chest is constricting and your heart has been ripped out… Why don’t clever people see...


A temporary hiatus of a week seems to have done me good. Blogger’s block (which I initially spelt as Blooger’s Blog *now that would have given me something to write about), had me wound up tightly and I ended up writing a short story, which was published...

Violet Hill

A weekend filled with joy and laughter. What more could one ask for?From the classic, “Little creatures running around the house” to “I must I must I MUST increase my BUST”, and the bomb “Not quite in-tangent, it’s in...