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Big Sister’s Clothes

Of all things to think about today as I was drifting off in my afternoon nap.It was that I’m a very lucky girl.For the past 8 years or so, I’ve had the Boy looking after me and spoiling me whenever I get cranky.But then, flashback… My Big Sis was...

Family Affair

Today is probably the first post in a long time with no pictures. Church was business as usual, although sitting at St.Mary’s Chapel had me watching all the other Catholics go about their prayers. I can’t believe the number of candles each person uses....

Father of Mine

Ahhh… Daddy gave me a name, My Daddy gave me a name (Then he walked away…) Daddy gave me a name… (And he walked away) The words of Everclear echo in my head and bring forth so much truth. Imagine that, there are so many fathers out there who have...

Soak up the Sun

An extremely busy weekend. I have forgotten how wonderful it is to be surrounded by people. Especially family and friends.We had guests over for dinner yesterday night!! It’s been ages… and I forgot how pleasant it was to have so much food come out of the...

All in a Day

The day began with an outing to Sharks Fin House as Mr.Perth wasn’t really up for anything. He was a bit down… I hope it wasn’t to do with my extremely fantastic touring guiding! Oh well… Went on to NGV (National Gallery Vic)… which I...