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Oui Oui!! Ooh La La…

(Old picture from: SMH)OMG! OMG!… Sudden heart palpitations… sweaty palms… butterflies in my tummy…I just saw the teaser trailer for Masterchef 2010…. AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAnd that is all I wanted to say…I’ll post up some...

Up, Up and Away

The view from me morning walks to work, and sometime morning breaks…Fitzroy GardensSo the D.N.A. contributor has up and gone again… typical… I should be more than used to it by now…We were getting along fine, I think… It had come to the...

Pot Luck with an Asian Twist

Cousin Dinner round 20! (okay, I exagerate!)… This time, we decided to do a pot luck instead, but the group kept getting smaller… (oh well!)… more for us to eat… We kept the theme, “Asian”… and it was fun…!! Gula Melaka...