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An Interesting Night in Bangkok

What does one see when they are visiting the heart and soul of Thailand?? Besides the obvious Thai Girl Shows or the less obvious Thai Boy Shows (which my bronzed friend attended... HAHAHAHA) Why, the Ah Kua SHOW!!! I <3 the lady boys! Because my pictures will be...

Two Nights in Bangkok

So the next morning, we wake up and go down to breakfast in the hotel...Very nice spread they had as well...Especially after just returning from Egypt and the dreadful breakfast spreads they had there... this was heaven sent!The normal "American" breakfast.. I don't...

Som Tam @ Siam Square SOI 5, Bangkok

"Whatever you do in Bangkok, you HAVE to visit Som Tam!!", my dear bronzed friend declared to me. So when our van from the airport drove past Som Tam on the way to the hotel, I exclaimed excitedly to Madam Mummy, "REMEMBER where that shop is!"... Turns out, the...

One Night In Bangkok

Thought I'd better post up my trip to Bangkok which I went to in January with Madam Mummy 😉 Stayed in Novotel in Siam Square... and was tickled to see the options provided by the hotel in the room.. hee hee hee Bathroom was nice and big... and the toiletries provided...

Lake House Restaurant @ Daylesford

Lakehouse... That's where everyone apparently goes to when they visit Daylesford... The Age Good Food Guide Review awarded it a whopping 2 chef's hat... read the review here... So, as a dutiful foodie, I of course cannot pass up the opportunity to dine in this fine...

Chowder House @ Hepburn Springs (Daylesford)

Next stop on the menu (after Lavendula) was to go to Chowder House for some good chowder... I came here based solely on Ms Tinymouse's suggestion... and it was worth it... HOWEVER, I did have a little tiny bitty gripe with them... You see, when Ms Tinymouse tried the...

Lavendula Swiss Italian Farm @ Daylesford

The reason for the lack of posts can be explained now.. Big Sis and Big Bro are down from Sydney and visiting and having a foodie trip, which I of course planned =) One Sunday morning, after driving for 2.5 hours from Carnegie (South-East) to Daylesford, we decided to...

Things I want at the moment!!!

I WANTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How cool is an edible gold/silver spray for boring foods??!!!!!!!!!!! And you can get it The Deli Garage But it's sold out!! Grrrrrrr.... Can you imagine the things one could do with such a spray...

Lady GaGa – Monster Ball 2010

She ate my ate... she at-at-ate my heart... Cheers!! To the best concert I've ever been to. Ever. Period. It had style, it had oomphed... and GaGa gave us her all... she loves her little monsters! She opened the concert with Dance in the Dark... techno style...quickly...